We are happy to announce that FAU published an open access paper titled "Adaptation of an additively manufactured reactor concept for catalytic methanation with in-situ tar co-reforming of biogenic syngas" in Chemical Engineering Journal Advances.
The paper goes into detail about the methanation ...
The European Biogas Conference took place 23-24 October at the EGG in Brussels.
This flagship event attracted more than 700 participants.
Read more about the event by clicking on the link below.
CarbonNeutralLNG at European Biogas Conference
On the 12th and 13th of September the Steering Committee meeting took place at BOKU University in Vienna followed by a study tour to the 1 MW advanced dual fluidised bed gasifier in Simmering.
Click on the link below to take part of the press release.
29th of August 2024 marked the launch of the first green shipping corridor on the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland.
Click on the link below to read the press release.
Pay your own LBG consumption
On the 24th of July 2024, Jörgen Held, BEIC visited EnergyLab in Vigo, Spain and presented the CarbonNeutralLNG project.
Click on the link below to take part of the press release.